Job title |
Associate Professor |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Setsunan University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science 衛生薬学科 Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Setsunan University 薬学研究科 薬学専攻 Master's Course Completed
Setsunan University 薬学研究科 医療薬学 Doctor's Course Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Setsunan University - 修士(薬学)
Setsunan University - 博士(薬学)
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
- 日本病院薬剤師会
- 日本臨床薬理学会
- 日本医療薬学会
- 日本医薬品安全性学会
- 日本心不全学会
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Life Science / Clinical pharmacy
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Safety and efficacy of oxycodone for refractory dyspnea in end-stage heart failure patients with chronic kidney disease: a case series of eight patients
Masayuki Tanaka, Hirofumi Maeba, Takeshi Senoo, Nana Yoshimiya, Haruna Ozaki, Kazuki Uchitani, Noboru Tanigawa, Kazuichi Okazaki
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences 2024.10
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Eye-tracking-based analysis of pharmacists' thought processes in the dispensing work: research related to the efficiency in dispensing based on right-brain thinking
Toshikazu Tsuji, Kenichiro Nagata Masayuki Tanaka, Shigeru Hasebe, Takashi Yukita, Mayako Uchida, Kimitaka Suetsugu, Takeshi Hirota, Ichiro Ieiri
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences 2024.05
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Clinical and preclinical evidence that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers prevent diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Shiori Iwane, Wataru Nemoto, Tomoyoshi Miyamoto, Tomonori Hayashi, Masayuki Tanaka, Kazuki Uchitani, Tatsuya Muranaka, Masanori Fujitani, Yuichi Koizumi, Atsushi Hirata, Maho Tsubota, Fumiko Sekiguchi, Koichi Tan-No, Atsufumi Kawabata
scientific reports 2024.01
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim for Pneumocystis Pneumonia Prophylaxis, Causes of discontinuation and Thrombocytopenia observed during administration: A single-center retrospective study
Misaki Hashimoto, Miho Hiraiwa, Kazuki Uchitani, Masahiro Ueda, Masayuki Tanaka, Norito Nishiyama, Naoyuki Miyashita
J Infect Chemother 2023.10
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI143 ( 5 ) 477 - 479 2023.05
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
第30回日本腹膜透析医学会学術集会・総会 Japan Domestic presentation Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
2024.11 -
第34回 日本医療薬学会年会 Japan Domestic presentation Poster presentation
2024.11 -
老年薬学会ワークショップ研修会「心不全」 Japan Domestic presentation Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech
2024.10 -
第30回 日本心臓リハビリテーション学会学術集会 Japan Domestic presentation Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
2024.07 -
第44回日本循環器看護学会教育セミナー Japan Domestic presentation Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech
Awards 【 display / non-display 】
第25回日本心臓リハビリテーション学会 Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
Social Activity Outside the University 【 display / non-display 】
高槻市立南大冠小学校 職業インタビュー
2023.02 -
京都府立南陽高等学校 系統別模擬授業
2020.10 -
関西医科大学附属病院 市民公開講座
2019.09 -
関西医科大学附属病院 市民公開講座