Job title |
Professor |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Doctor's Course Completed
Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Doctor's Course Completed
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
- 日本農芸化学会
- 日本栄養食糧学会
- 日本食品科学工学会
- 日本食品保蔵科学会
- 日本調理科学会
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Life Science / Nutrition science and health science
Humanities & Social Sciences / Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living
Humanities & Social Sciences / Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living
Life Science / Food sciences
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
(Case report) Development and sales of cider using plums cultivated in Hirakata.
山田徳広、中塚華奈、北村祐人、SUNG Kijung寺林敏、池田裕美、 織田奈央子、新名洋美、、久保康之、稲熊隆博
果汁協会報777 1 - 16 2023.05
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Authorship: Lead author Corresponding author
A Study on the change of urinary oxidative stress index during the movement from the urban area to the 5th station of Fujinomiya trail
Yosuke Ogiso,Norihiro Yamada,Kazutoshi Seki,Taketo Kawagishi,Yusuke Takagi
Walking Research26 83 - 86 2023.03
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Genetic polymorphisms inCYP19A1andESR1are associated with serum CKactivity after prolonged running in men
Hiroshi Kumagai, Eri Miyamoto-Mikami, Mizuki Takaragawa, Kiyonori Kuriki, Chiho Goto, Kiyoshi Shibata, Norihiro Yamada, Akihiro Hosono, Mizuho Fuku, Sadao Suzuki, Noriyuki Fuku
Journal of applied physiology. 2022.04
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
伊藤奏, 乾良充, 森下雄太, 山田徳広, 藤原孝之, 稲熊隆博
マイクロ波処理と熱風乾燥によるリンゴのセミドライフルーツのポリフェノール量および抗酸化活性26 ( 4 ) 109 - 116 2020.12
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Effect of Corchorus olitorius on glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and bone strength in a rat model of obesity with hyperphagia.
Yuki Aikawa, Yusuke Wakasugi, Misao Yoneda, Takahiro Narukawa, Kae Sugino, Takenori Yamashita, Norihiro Yamada and Makoto Ohtsuki
International Journal of Analytical Bio-Science8 ( 4 ) 93 - 101 2020.08
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Nutrition Management and Life Science Series Basic Nutrition
Nutrition Management and Life Science Series: Basic Nutrition (Part : 第10章 水・電解質の栄養的意義) Other Joint author
理工図書 2021.04
[Original information] 栄養管理と生命科学シリーズ 基礎栄養学 小林謙一,山田徳広,岸本良美 他 2021.04
山田徳広Dictionary, encyclopedia Sole author
少年写真新聞社 2020.01
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
豆類時報 ( 公益財団法人 日本豆類協会 ) 102 2 - 6 2021.03
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other) Single Work
豆類時報 ( 公益財団法人 日本豆類協会 ) 98 18 - 24 2020.03
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other) Single Work
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
日本農芸化学会中部支部例会 Japan Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2023.09Announcement date:2023.09.30
日本食品科学工学会 第70回記念大会 京都女子大学 Japan Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2023.08Announcement date:2023.08.24
日本食品保蔵化学会第72回(熊本)退会 熊本県立大学 Japan Oral presentation (general)
2023.06Announcement date:2023.06.17
第63回(令和4年度) 果汁技術研究発表会 東京 Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2022.09 -
日本食品保蔵科学会第71回大会 北海道恵庭市 Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)