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Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science 第1部応用物理学科 Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 物理学専攻 Master's Course Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Science - 理学士
Tokyo University of Science - 博士(理学)
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
- 応用物理学会
- 固体イオニクス学会
- 日本物理学会
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Natural Science / Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics (超イオン導電体、プロトン伝導体)
Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems (核磁気共鳴、分子性固体)
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Electron device and electronic equipment (固体イオン物性)
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
NMR study on Insulation -Semiconductor phase transition
Classification of research:Collaboration in Organization
Project Year:
Keyword:NMR,Phase transition
Study on the Molecular Conductor using NMR method
Classification of research:Collaboration in Organization
Project Year:
Classification of research:Collaboration in Organization
Project Year:
Classification of research:Collaboration in Organization
Project Year:
Project Year:
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Differences in Water Dynamics between the Hydrated Chitin and Hydrated Chitosan Determined by Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering
Yuki Hirota, Taiki Tominaga, Takashi Kawabata, Yukinobu Kawakita,Yasumitsu Matsuo
bioengineering10 622_1 - 622_17 2023
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Authorship: Last author
Proton Conduction in Gly-X (X = Ser, Ser-Gly-Ser) and GS50
Hitoki Semizo , Ryusei Yabu , Yamato Ohgishi , Haruka Kai , Hitoshi Nishimura , Yasumitsu Matsuo
Bioengineering10 1223_1 2023
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Authorship: Last author Corresponding author
Hydration and proton conductivity in the Gly-Pro crysta
H.Semizo,R. Yabu, H. Kai,Y. Ohgishi, Y.Matsuo
Chemical Physics573 112022 2023
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Authorship: Last author Corresponding author
Study on Anhydrous Proton Conduction in Imidazole-Collagen Composite
Journal of Composites Science 6 360 2022.11
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Hydrogen Dynamics in Hydrated Chitosan by Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering
Bioengineering9 599 2022.10
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
DNA Engineering: Properties and Applications
Kenji Mizoguchi, Hirokazu Sakamoto, Yasumitsu Matsuo, Hiroshi Matsui, et al.Scholarly book Joint author
CRC Press Taylor &Francis Group 2016.09
松尾 康光Scholarly book Joint author
旺文社 2010.03
Protonics in plastic materials
松尾 康光Scholarly book Other
Research Signpost 2007
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Solid biofuel cell with photosystem II hydrogen fuel
The 21st International Conference on Solid-State Protonic Conductors (SSPC-21) Japan International presentation Poster presentation
2023.09 -
Anisotropic proton conduction in Gly-X (X: Pro, Ser)
The 21st International Conference on Solid-State Protonic Conductors (SSPC-21) Japan International presentation Poster presentation
2023.09 -
Possibility of proton generation and solidification in direct ethanol biofuel cells
The 21st International Conference on Solid-State Protonic Conductors (SSPC-21) Japan International presentation Poster presentation
2023.09 -
日本物理学会 2024年春季大会 Japan Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2024.03 -
⽔和キチンと⽔和キトサンにおけるプロトン伝導経路の⽐ 較
2023年度量⼦ビームサイエンスフェスタ 第15回 MLFシンポジウム, 第41回PFシンポジウム Japan Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
Industrial Property 【 display / non-display 】
Application Number:特願2019-097215 Patent Number:特許7235302号
Application Date:2019.05.23
Issue Date:2023.02.28
Country of applicant: Domestic
Research Grants and Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Grant number:24K03141 2024.04 - 2027.03
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス:「廃棄 される自然からエネルギーをつくろう-捨てられる植物が 光合成をしてLEDランプを灯す!?-」
2019.04 - 2020.03
日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金
2018.04 - Now
日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金
Social Activity Outside the University 【 display / non-display 】
2017.08 -
2017.04-Now -
2017.04 -
Solid state commun., Materials Sciences and Applications 等の論文査読
2016.04-Now -