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Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Humanities & Social Sciences / English literature and literature in the English language
Humanities & Social Sciences / Linguistics (文体論)
Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education (英語教育)
Humanities & Social Sciences / Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Mixing paper and digital: 2020 online summer English drama kamishibai workshop
Eucharia Donnery, Yasuko Shiozawa, Yuka Kusanagi, Aiko Saito
Scenario17 ( 1 ) 68 - 87 2023.08
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Authorship: Last author
Cognitive Linguistics for EFL Writers: A Study of Plurilingual Online Team-teaching Sessions
Stephen MARKVE, Aiko SAITO
JACET International Convention Selected Papers8 221 - 235 2021.03
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
The role of stylistics in Japan: A pedagogical perspective
Language and Literature21 ( no. 2 ) 226 - 244 2012.05
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
A Joint Project by English Teacher Training Courses in Setsunan U, Japan and Berry College, USA : A study on plurilingual blended CLIL,COIL with pre and in service teachers
摂南大学教育学研究 ( 19 ) 49 - 64 2023.03
Joint Work
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Extending the edges of language use: a case study of plurilingual discussion-based team-taught EFL reading course
Aiko SAITO, Stephen MARKVE
Setsunan Journal of International Studies ( 創刊 ) 21 - 44 2023.02
Joint Work
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
English without Boundaries: Reading English from China to Canada
(Eds.) Jane Roberts and Grudi L. Darby. Chapter 3 by Aiko SAITO (Part : Part 1: Poets and Playwrights / Chapter Three "Not Madness, but Reason and Emotion") Scholarly book Joint author
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017.09
Literature and Language Learning in the EFL Classroom
M. Teranishi, Y.Saito, K. Wales, et al. (Part : Bridging the Gap between L1 Education and L2 Education) Scholarly book Joint author
Palgrave Macmillan 2015.08
Literature as Inspiration in the English Language Classroom
T.Yoshimura, et al (Part : 「登場人物の視点で物語を立体化しよう―シェイクスピアを/で遊ぶ」 執筆 「文学テキストへのESPアプローチの応用」(野口ジュディ― 著)の翻訳 その他 編集担当) Scholarly book Joint author
Eihosha 2013.09
Genius Japanese-English Dictionary Third Edition
編集主幹 南出康世 中邑光男 (Part : 校閲協力および英文用例の執筆担当) Scholarly book Joint author
Taishukan Shoten 2011.12
English Studies and English Education
Fumie TAMAI, Sae MATSUDA, Chiina FUJIOKA (Part : 第13章 文学教材論-英文学研究と文学教材づくり-) Scholarly book Joint author
大修館書店 2010.12
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
World of Shakespeare
齋藤 安以子
マクミラン ランゲージハウス 2002
Introduction to Peace Studies : The Meaning of Peace
齋藤 安以子
( Eihosha ) 2002
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Who is the stakeholder of that English education?
ELSJ The 95th General Meeting Kanto Gakuin University (Kanagawa) Japan Domestic presentation Oral presentation (invited, special)
2023.05Announcement date:2023.05.20
Changes of systems and language education in US universities International coauthorship
Language Education Expo 2024 Chuo University, Tokyo Japan Oral presentation (general)
2024.03Announcement date:2024.03.10
SIG posters: Literature in Language Education
the 62nd JACET International Convention Meiji University, Tokyo Japan Poster presentation
2023.08Announcement date:2023.08.31
Drama Workshop “The Little Prince”: Understanding Cross-Cultural Issues
the 62nd JACET International Convention Meiji University, Tokyo Japan Symposium, workshop panel (public)
2023.08Announcement date:2023.08.29
Happily exploring without “right answers" in the classroom: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
JACET Kansai Literature in Language Education SIG 2023 April meeting online Japan Oral presentation (general)
2023.04Announcement date:2023.04.15
Awards 【 display / non-display 】
2014年度 大学英語教育学会賞(JACET賞)実践部門
大学英語教育学会 JACET Other
Social Activity Outside the University 【 display / non-display 】
小中連携 夏期教員研修ワークショップ
2011.01第5回SLN学習研究発表会の一部として、まず第一学年の公開授業(授業者 岡本博子教諭)と、小中取り組み報告があった。その後、筆者が寝屋川市立桜小学校で歴代の教員によって作りあげられた「英語力を日常の授業から育てるシステム」について分析、また、他校から参加した多数の教員が実際に持ち帰って応用するための方法などについてワークショップ形式で紹介した。
英語で科学! Science in English
教員免許状更新講習 「小学校英語」