Job title |
Associate Professor |
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SEKI Shigenori (SEKI Shigenori)
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Faculty of Science Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies 人間・環境学専攻 Master's Course Completed
Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies 人間・環境学専攻 Doctor's Course Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Kyoto University - 修士(人間・環境学)
Kyoto University - 博士(人間・環境学)
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Natural Science / Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics (超弦理論、量子エンタングルメント、数理物理、素粒子論)
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Entanglement entropy of scattering particles International coauthorship
Robi Peschanski, Shigenori Seki
Physics Letters B 758 (2016) 89-92 2016.07
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Quark mass and condensate in HQCD International coauthorship
Oren Bergman, Shigenori Seki, Jacob Sonnenschein
JHEP 12 (2007) 037 2007.12
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Closed string vertex operators with various ghost number
Isao Kishimoto, Mako Kouga, Shigenori Seki, Tomohiko Takahashi
Nuclear Physics B 1004 (2024) 116549 2024.07
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Two-point closed string amplitudes in the BRST formalism
Isao Kishimoto, Shigenori Seki, Tomohiko Takahashi
Physics Letters B 853 (2024) 138657 2024.06
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Variation of Entanglement Entropy in Scattering Process International coauthorship
Shigenori Seki, I.Y. Park, Sang-Jin Sin
Physics Letters B 743 (2015) 147-153 2015.04
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Mostly BRST exact operator and descent equations
79th JPS annual meeting Japan Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2024.09 -
Mostly BRST Exact演算子による開弦2点振幅の再考察
日本物理学会 春季大会 Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2024.03 -
Mostly BRST Exact演算子と降下方程式によるVirasoro-Shapiro振幅の考察
日本物理学会 春季大会 Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2024.03 -
Mostly BRST Exact演算子によるVirasoro-Shapiro振幅の導出
日本物理学会第78回年次大会 Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)
2023.09 -
日本物理学会第78回年次大会 Domestic presentation Oral presentation (general)