
Job title


Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Kagawa University   Faculty of Economics   Graduated 

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Kobe University   Graduate School, Division of Economics   Master's Course  Completed 

  • Kobe University   Graduate School, Division of Economics   Doctor's Course  Accomplished credits for doctoral program 

  • ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校   Graduate School, Division of Economics   経済学専攻  Doctor's Course  Completed 

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Kagawa University  -  経済学士

  • Kobe University  -  経済学修士

  • ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校  -  Ph.D.

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • 日本経済学会
  • 日本経済政策学会
  • 日本経済法学会
  • 公益事業学会

Research field 【 display / non-display

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy  (Industrial Organizaion)


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Ownership structure of nuclear power plants for fair competition and efficiency: private low-cost access versus public ownership

    Yusuke Ikuta, Takashi Yanagawa

    International Journal of Economic Policy Studies17 ( 1 ) 307 - 330   2022.12

    Joint Work

    Research paper (scientific journal)


  • Fixed-fee vs. royalty licensing under asymmetric demand information

    Yue Li, Takashi Yanagawa

    The Manchester School89 ( 6 ) 640 - 657   2021.08

    Joint Work

    Research paper (scientific journal)


  • 公営都市ガス事業の民営化の理由・目的・手段


    『国民経済雑誌』   2020.07

    Single Work

    Research paper (scientific journal)

  • “JAPAN ECONOMIC POLICY ASSOCIATION: Toward Economic Policy Research with Internationality” Comprehensiveness, and Practicality” Information


    Bulletin of the Union of National Economic Association in Japan   2019.12

    Single Work

    Research paper (scientific journal)

  • 国際性・総合性・実践性を備えた経済政策研究に向けて


    『経済政策ジャーナル』   2019.09

    Single Work

    Research paper (scientific journal)

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Mankiew Macroeconomics Ⅱ

    Hideyuki Adachi, Toshiki Jinushi, Takeshi Nakatani, Takashi YanagawaTextbook, survey, introduction  Joint translator

    TOYO KEIZAI INC.  2024.01

    [Original information] Macroeconomics 11th edition  N. Gregory Mankiw

  • Mankiew Macroeconomics Ⅰ

    Hideyuki Adachi, Toshiki Jinushi, Takeshi Nakatani, Takashi YanagawaTextbook, survey, introduction  Joint translator

    TOYO KEIZAI INC.  2024.01

    [Original information] Macroeconomics 11th edition  N. Gregory Mankiw

  • Pricing Power, Profit and Consumer Welfare in Vertical Transaction International coauthorship

    Takashi Yanagawa, Li YueScholarly book  Joint author

    Shojihomu Co., Ltd.  2023.07

  • Econo-Legal Studies - Thinking Through the Lenses of Economics and Law

    Takashi Yanagawa, Hiroshi Takahashi, Shinya Ouchi eds.Scholarly book  Joint author

    Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd  2021.12

  • Privatization of Public City Gas Utilities

    Shinichi Kusanagi and Takashi Yanagawa eds.,Scholarly book  Joint author

    Springer  2021.01

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 中小企業競争・分野調整政策研究会実施報告書

    鯖田豊則 他8名

    全国中小企業団体中央会中小企業競争・分野調整政策研究会実施報告書    2019.03

    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  Joint Work

  • 競争的な電力・ガス市場研究会中間論点整理

    小田切宏之 他10名

    経済産業省資源エネルギー庁電力・ガス監視等委員会競争的な電力・ガス市場研究会    2018.08

    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  Joint Work

  • 法学と経済学の複眼思考−エコノリーガル・スタディーズの目指すもの−


    書斎の窓    2014.05

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  Joint Work

  • 平成25年度我が国経済構造に関する 競争政策的観点からの調査研究報告書

    大橋弘 他12名

    経済産業省今後の流通・取引慣行ガイドラインの在り方に関する研究会報告書    2014.03

    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  Joint Work

  • 山本哲三・野村宗訓(編著)「規制改革30講」


    早稲田商学    2013.09

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  Single Work

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 「国際性・総合性・実践性を備えた経済政策研究に向けて」

    日本経済政策学会第76回全国大会  Domestic presentation  Oral presentation (invited, special) 


  • 「エージェンシー・モデルと最恵顧客条項の経済分析-独禁法の新たな課題に向けて‐」

    日本経済法学会2018年大会  Domestic presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


  • “Competition and Sustainability in Japanese Electricity Market”

    Bangi SALAD  International presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


  • “Maotai and Resale Price Maintenance of Luxury Goods”

    上海市法学会競争法研究会  International presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


  • “Prospects of Interdisciplinary Research of Economics and Law: A View of Economics”

    The 6th Kobe University Brussels European Center Symposium  International presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


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