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Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Hokuriku University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science 衛生薬学科 Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Kanazawa University Graduate School, Division of Science and Technology 生命科学専攻 Doctor's Course Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Hokuriku University - 薬学士
Kanazawa University - 博士(薬学)
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
- 日本薬理学会
- 日本神経精神薬理学会
- International Society of Neurochemistry
- 日本生化学会
- 日本神経化学会
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Life Science / Pharmacology (神経科学、 神経化学、 神経薬理学)
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
Project Year:
Project Year:
Project Year:
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
A novel model of sensorineural hearing loss induced by repeated exposure to moderate noise in mice: the preventive effect of resveratrol
Taro Yamaguchi, Masanori Yoneyama, Yusuke Onaka, Kiyokazu Ogita
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science86 ( 4 ) 381 - 388 2024.02
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
小森浩二、 関本裕美、星田徹、 荻田喜代一、米山雅紀
アプライド・セラピューティクス19 1 - 11 2024.01
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Authorship: Corresponding author
Treatment with cyclophosphamide in post-weaning mice causes prolonged suppression of neural stem cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus
Yusuke Onaka, Taro Yamaguchi, Masanori Yoneyama
Brain Research 1796 148108 2022.12
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Interleukin-19 as an immunoregulatory cytokine
Yasuyuki Fujimoto, Nobuyuki Kuramoto, Masanori Yoneyama, Yasu-Taka Azuma
Current Molecular Pharmacology14 ( 2 ) 191 - 199 2020.12
Joint Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
A preventive system of autophagy in the cochlea to noise exposure
BIO Clinica35 ( 12 ) 58 - 61 2020.11
Single Work
Research paper (scientific journal)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
SHIN薬学 ―医薬品化学と病態生理が深める8大疾患への機序と治療の理解― Reviewed
1. 石丸侑希、表雅章、軽尾友紀子、河合健太郎、倉本展行、小森浩二、佐藤和之、田中雅幸、辻琢己、向井啓、米山雅紀Textbook, survey, introduction Joint author
京都廣川書店 2024.03
看護学テキスト NiCE 薬理学
荻田喜代一、米山雅紀、田中雅之幸、首藤誠、菊田真穂、小森浩二、中山由美、竹中泉 (Part : 自律神経系に作用する薬、感覚器・皮膚系疾患治療薬、外科手術で用いられる薬物) Scholarly book Joint author
南江堂 2020.11
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Neurogenesis signals activated following neurodegeneration: Involvement of microglia.
Ogita Kiyokazu
Journal of pharmacological sciences supplyment I ( The Japanese Pharmacological Society ) 121 p21 2013.03
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution) Joint Work
Regulation by intracellular calcium channels of proliferative activity in neural stem/progenitor cells derived from the subventricular zone of adult mice
Tatsuo Shiba,Ogita Kiyokazu
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences ( 日本薬理学会 ) 118 211 2012.03
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution) Joint Work
Behavioral changes and neural regeneration after hippocampal dentate granule cell loss in mice
Yukari Nakamura, Kiyokazu Ogita et al
Jpn. J. Pharmacol. Sci. Supplement I 115 252P 2011.03
Other Joint Work
Useful culture system for neural stem/progenitor cells derived from adult hippocampal dentate gyrus prepared from mice treated with trimethyltin
Tatsuo Shiba, Kiyokazu Ogita
Jpn. J. Pharmacol. Sci. Supplement I 115 172P 2011.03
Other Joint Work
Activated microglia is involved in neuroregeneration after neuronal degeneration in the hippocampal dentate gyrus
Shigeru Hasebe, Tatsuo Shiba, Kiyokazu Ogita
Jpn. J. Pharmacol. Sci. Supplement I 115 172P 2011.03
Other Joint Work
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
日本薬学会第144年会 横浜 Japan Domestic presentation Poster presentation
2024.03Announcement date:2024.03.31
第97回日本薬理学会年会 神戸 Japan Poster presentation
2023.12Announcement date:2023.12.14
第97回日本薬理学会年会 神戸 Japan Domestic presentation Poster presentation
2023.12Announcement date:2023.12.16
第73回日本薬学会関西支部総会・大会 神戸 Japan Domestic presentation Poster presentation
2023.10Announcement date:2023.10.14
第53回日本神経精神薬理学会年会 東京 Japan Domestic presentation Poster presentation
2023.09Announcement date:2023.09.07