ITO Yuzuru (ITO Yuzuru)


Job title


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Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Geotechnical Engineering

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Kyoto University   Faculty of Engineering   土木工学科  Graduated 

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Civil Engineering  Master's Course  Completed 

  • オレゴン州立大学   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   土木工学専攻  Doctor's Course  Completed 

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Kyoto University  -  工学士

  • Kyoto University  -  Master of Engineering

  • オレゴン州立大学  -  Doctor of Philosophy

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • (社)日本雪氷学会
  • (社)地盤工学会関西支部
  • (社)地盤工学会
  • (社)地盤工学会 関西支部
  • (社〉土木学会

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Research field 【 display / non-display

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Geotechnical engineering  (環境地盤工学、 道路工学)

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Environmental systems for civil engineering  (Contaminated Soils, Freezing Soils, Rooftop vegetation )


Research Career 【 display / non-display

  • Artificial Ground Freezing

    Classification of research:Collaboration in Japan 


    Project Year:2013.07  -  Now 

  • PBDによる地盤改良の設計法に関する研究

    Project Year:2009.04  -  Now 

  • 人工芝グラウンドの温熱環境に関する研究

    Project Year:2005.04  -  2011.03 

  • 薄層基盤による屋上緑化技術

    Classification of research:Individual 

    Project Year:2003.04  -  Now 


  • 汚染土壌の洗浄技術の開発

    Classification of research:Collaboration in Japan 

    Project Year:2000.04  -  Now 


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Experiment on the relationship between frozen or unfrozen water of saturated fine-grained soils and consolidation phenomena

    Kazuya Suzuki, Yuzuru Ito

    Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Ground Freezing   173 - 180   2023.10

    Joint Work

    Research paper (international conference proceedings)

    Authorship: Corresponding author

  • Hydraulic Conductivity of Unfrozen Part of the Freezing Soil

    Go Hirose, Yuzuru Ito, Hika Yamamoto

    Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Ground Freezing   189 - 196   2023.10

    Single Work

    Research paper (international conference proceedings)

    Authorship: Corresponding author

  • Coefficient of permeability of unfrozen soil in front of the freezing earth wall

    Yamamoto, Haika and Ito, Yuzuru

    Bulletin of the Transdisciplinary Science Research Institute, Setsunan University 7 ( 1 ) 85 - 91   2022.02

    Joint Work

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • Interpretation of consolidation characteristics in a saturated fine-grained soil by the amoun of frozen / unfrozen water

    Suzuki, Kazuya and Ito, Yuzuru

    Bulletin of the Transdisciplinary Science Research Institute, Setsunan University 7 ( 1 ) 75 - 84   2022.02

    Joint Work

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • The Washing Experiment of Freeze-Thaw and Ion Exchange to Wash Contained Potassium Naturally as an Alternative to Radioactive Cesium

    Hirose, Go and Ito, Yuzuru

    Bulletin of the Transdisciplinary Science Research Institute, Setsunan University 7 ( 1 ) 60 - 74   2022.02

    Joint Work

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Applicability of remediation and restoration technologies for contaminated fine-grained soil by freezing and thawing

    Go Hirose, Yuzuru Ito

    Journal of JGS Vol.71 No.7 Ser.No.786 ( Japanese Geotechnical Society )  71 ( 7 ) 38 - 42  2023.07

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  Joint Work

    Authorship: Corresponding author

  • Artificial Ground Freezing Method -History and Development-

    Yuzuru Ito

    Bulletin of the Transdisciplinary Science Research Institute, Setsunan University ( Setsunan University )  2 ( 1 ) 98 - 108  2016.10

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  Single Work

  • 地下水位の影響を考慮した土の凍上予測法

    伊藤 譲

    高速道路と自動車   38 ( 2 ) 20 - 30  1995

    Other  Single Work

  • Mitigation Effect of Thermal Environment by Roof Top Vegetation with Thin Soil Layer

    Ito, Yuzuru

    Soils and Foundation ( The Japanese Geotechnical Society )  67 ( 1 ) 4 - 5  2019.01

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  Single Work

  • Transition of Ground Improvement Technologies in Japan V: Artificial Ground Freezing Method and Its Application

    伊藤 譲,吉田 聡志

    Journal of The Society of Material Science, Japan ( The Society of Material Science, Japan )  65 ( 12 ) 883 - 889  2016.12

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  Joint Work

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 理工系初年次学生のための基礎実験の取り組み(第12報)

    The 71th Japanese Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference  Higashi Hiroshima  Japan  Domestic presentation  Other 


    Announcement date:2023.09.06

  • The relationship between the frozen / unfrozen water and consolidation characteristics i n a saturated fine-grained soil

    Proceedings of the 15th National Symposium on Ground Improvement  Naha  Domestic presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


    [Proceedings] Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Symposium on Ground Improvement  27  -  30  2022.12

  • Influence of Acid Concentration on the Freeze-Thaw Washing Applied to Lead Contamineted Soil

    Proceedings of the 15th National Symposium on Ground Improvement  Naha  Domestic presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


    [Proceedings] Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Symposium on Ground Improvement  423  -  426  2022.12

  • An attempt to predict uniaxial compressive strength from the amount of frozen and unfrozen water in saturated fine-grained soil.

    第77回土木学会年次学術講演会  Kyoto University  Domestic presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


    [Proceedings] 第77回土木学会年次学術講演会論文集  Ⅲ-62  2022.09

  • Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Washing Lead-Contained Soil

    第77回土木学会年次学術講演会  Kyoto University  Domestic presentation  Oral presentation (general) 


    [Proceedings] 第77回土木学会年次学術講演会論文集  Ⅲ-62  2022.09

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Industrial Property 【 display / non-display

  • 凍結と吸引による汚染地盤の浄化方法及び浄化体


    Application Number:特願2003-161672 


    Application Date:2003.06.06 

    Country of applicant: Domestic 

  • 汚染土壌の凍結除去工法及び地中凍結体


    Application Number:特願2003-130146 


    Application Date:2003.05.08 

    Country of applicant: Domestic 

  • 汚染土壌の掘削除去工法


    Application Number:特願2003-130145 


    Application Date:2003.05.08 

    Country of applicant: Domestic 

  • 凍結と吸引による汚染地盤の浄化方法及び浄化体


    Application Number:特願2003-091932 


    Application Date:2003.03.28 

    Country of applicant: Domestic 

  • 凍結融解を利用したボードドレーンによる地盤改良工法


    Patent Number:4091472

    伊藤 譲

    Issue Date:2008.03.07

    Country of applicant: Domestic 

Awards 【 display / non-display

  • 土木学会技術開発賞(太陽熱盛土蓄熱融雪システム)

    土木学会  Other 
