SUGIMOTO Atsunobu (SUGIMOTO Atsunobu)


Job title

Associate Professor

Homepage URL

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Ritsumeikan University   Faculty of Economics   Graduated 

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Doshisha University   Graduate School, Division of Economics   経済政策専攻  Doctor's Course  Accomplished credits for doctoral program 

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Ritsumeikan University  -  経済学士

  • Doshisha University  -  経済学修士

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • 理論計量経済学会
  • 弘前大学経済学会

Research field 【 display / non-display

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic theory  (Macroeconomics,Monetary Policy)

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics  (マクロ経済学)


Research Career 【 display / non-display

  • 不況下における財政政策の在り方

    Project Year:

  • 金融政策の方法とその効果

    Project Year:

  • Inflation and Monetary Policy

    Classification of research:Individual 

    Project Year:


  • インフレと金融政策

    Classification of research:Individual 

    Project Year:


  • マクロ経済学

    Project Year:

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Accord of Monetary Fiscal Policies

    Atsunobu SUGIMOTO

    Journal of Business Administration and Information28 ( 1,2 ) 1 - 12   2021.02

    Single Work

    Research paper (scientific journal)

  • Coordination and Efficiency of Monetary and Fiscal Policy by Governments and Central Banks

    Atsunobu Sugimoto

    Journal of Business Administration and Information30 ( 1.2 ) 155 - 164   2023.02

    Single Work

    Research paper (scientific journal)

  • Recosideration of Animal Spirits

    杉本 篤信

    Journal of Business Administration and Information19 ( 1 ) 17 - 30   2011.10

    Single Work

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • 乗数理論と財政政策の再考察 

    杉本 篤信

    経営情報研究    2009.02

    Single Work

  • デフレ経済と金融政策の政策目標

    杉本 篤信

    経営情報研究    45 - 58   2007.07

    Single Work

display all >>

Books 【 display / non-display


    KANMORI HISAO,ARA KENJIRO,MORIGUCHI SHINJI (Part : ADSL,B2E,C2C,CGM,EC化率、EUC,eビジネス、eマーケットプレイスなど33項目)  Scholarly book  Joint author

    YUHIKAKKU  2013.12

  • 金融論 第7章「金融政策の手段と有効性」

    杉本 篤信Scholarly book  Other

    金融論(八千代出版)  1997

  • The instruments and effectiveness of Monentary Policy

    杉本 篤信Scholarly book  Other


Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • the recommended books by teachers

    Atsunobu Sugimoto

    setsunan university library report ( Setsunan University Library )  103   9 - 9  2022.03

    Other  Single Work

  • recommended books

    Sugimoto Atsunobu

    setsunan university library report (  常翔学園 摂南大学 図書館 )  101   14 - 14  2020.03

    Other  Single Work

  • What is 'reading books' for ?

    杉本 篤信

    Setsunan University Library Report ( Setsunan University Library )  99   4 - 5  2018.03

    Other  Single Work

  • 合理的期待モデルと金融政策の効果

    杉本 篤信



Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 賃金の物価インデックス化と金融政策

    大阪大学豊中キャンパス  Oral presentation (general) 


  • 日本の長期停滞と供給サイド、今後のマクロ政策運営

    Monetary Economics Workshop研究会   Oral presentation (general) 
